Tony & Eve, A College Fantasy

$ 19.95 $ 29.95

If it's ear-piercing shrieks that you want, Eve can provide them, and does in nearly every scene of the very first Shadow Lane video tape. Shot for us through the kind offices of Nu-West back in 1986, this tape and the very first episode of Shadow Lane, formed the foundation upon which our whole company was built. Luckily, it turned out to be a pretty good tape to start out with and we're happy to say some of our customers still consider it their favorite. The story is simple: a stubborn college student refuses to learn about computers, in spite of the fact that her attractive faculty adviser teaches the computer course. Non-completion of assignments and a terrible attitude result in Eve's being repeatedly spanked by her teacher. And naturally, there's a bit of a romance going on as well. Hard spanking, animated dialog and real personal involvement between the principals all contribute to the success of this title.

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