VegasParties February 21 2022, 5 Comments

Update on VegasParties

by Eve Howard

Greetings Spanking Enthusiasts!

First of all, thanks to everyone who has been responding to the new lower prices on dvd's and placing orders. I have been including bonus dvd's, based on past ordering taste, with each order and will continue to do so, to show my appreciation for your continued patronage and to show off my best work that you might have not seen. And now a note on a party at the end of this week. These new party folk jumped in and launched this spring party quite recently, hence the last minute notice. If this event goes splendidly for them, they will likely keep the Labor Day party weekend going. More on that, as the season approaches. Meanwhile...

If you are a Vegas local or are visiting the weekend of February 24th – Feb 27, 2022, there is a spanking party being hosted by a nice group of people from the Pacific Northwest at a Freemont Street hotel. This is a suite party, with rooms available for the group in the hotel. The one day admission for locals is $53 for Saturday. The general party ticket for the whole multi day event is $106 per person.

To register for this event and find out all the details, visit: VegasParties on

If you don’t already belong to fetlife, it’s easy, free and private to join. The VegasParties threads will lead you to its website on fetlife, with all the details, events, etc.

You can follow the Vegas Party on twitter, the name is: VegasParties and the twitter handle is: @VegasParty2022

I’ll be dropping by the party on Saturday and Sunday.

