The Day the Coach Got Spanked

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Starring Eve Howard and Walter Whipple.

Braemar Head Mistress Eve calls Coach Whipple of the girls' gymnastics team to her lounge to take him to task for slapping the girl athletes on the bottom a number of times in her view. Coach Whipple's disciplinary session begins with a traditional over the knee spanking with hand hairbrush, with the coach's pants pulled down, on his ample bare bottom, which soon turns strawberry red. Whipping for Coach Whipple. Head Mistress Eve continues to school Coach Whipple in proper deportment around the girls' gymnastics team by using both a long and a short flogger vigorously on his already well-reddened bottom. The coach meekly submits to the discipline because he has no choice. 

While bent over Mistress Eve's spanking bench, Coach Whipple continues to pay for his misdeeds in the school gymnasium by submitting his now spanked and whipped bottom for a severe wooden paddling and hairbrush spanking, all of which begin to raise white marks on top of the red already laid down. This Coach will learn never to improperly touch the students again. 

Coach Whipple is now treated to an intimate session with Miss Howard's selection of rattan canes. The wonderful carpet beater cane is resorted to again and again by the conscientious disciplinarian. A plain, straight, thin cane and a double thin cane are also employed to drive the lesson home. At one point, Coach Whipple receives 48 hard whacks with the carpet beater in a row. He feels it! But that doesn't prevent Mistress Eve from adding in a good thrashing with her large sized sorority style paddle. 

Eve Howard burnishes the rose tones she has already imbued into Coach Whipple's rear with her array of wooden implements by finishing the picture perfect punishment session with leather. A Scottish tawse, an Irish leather strap and a split cowhide slapper are each pied in rapid succession against the offender's upturned bottom until he expresses his sincere contrition for offending the head mistress and the standards of Braemar.

It is a chastened Coach who is finally told to stand facing the black board with his pants pulled down to display his belabored behind.

Running time: 30 minutes.

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